Recent Stuff and a Possible Bugeater 1850 List

Some of you might have wondered where I went and others of you might not have noticed J Well as you guys can tell the blog has become a place where I tend to write some stuff and then disappear for a while. Not gonna apologize for it but I’m going to actively at least...

Daemons w/Chaos Allies – 1850

So yesterday I posted up a pure Daemon army and I promised that I’d get an allied army up today for today so here you guys go. It’s a starting place for me but I like it.HQHeralds:Herald of Slaanesh – 110Greater Gift, Steed, Exalted LocusHerald of Tzeentch – 115Lvl....

Pure Daemons: My First Go – 1850

So following up my article yesterday and after some more reading of my book here is a starting point for my pure Daemons following the wave approach I advocated yesterday:HQGreat Unclean One – 260Lvl 3, Greater RewardHeralds:Herald of Slaanesh – 110Greater Gift,...

So….Daemons…..Yeah, They’re Awesome

Now this goes the other way!Well I picked up the Daemon codex this weekend while I was at the Indy Open but didn't get to much of a chance to really dig into it. But we had quite a bit of discussion on the way home last night about it and I've spent a fair...