by Hulksmash | Jan 21, 2013
I had the chance to play at a local RTT this weekend. We had 11 people show up and it was a good time. I'll be posting up my batreps sometime this week so keep an eye out but I wanted to share my list and initial thoughts first.First, the list:HQAzrael...
by Hulksmash | Jan 17, 2013
Some of you will remember that in my recent I’m back post I mentioned I’d be delving deeper into some of my thoughts on 6th edition. One of those thoughts was that there were going to be an increased number of models on a per army basis for successful armies in 6th...
by Hulksmash | Jan 16, 2013
Everyone and their mother is talking about the FAQ’s and there are quite a few things that either clarify some waffly rules or change things pretty significantly but I wanted to focus on this one, single thing because it brought a little joy to my eyes and made my...
by Hulksmash | Jan 16, 2013
Well Black Friday has come and gone and finally most of my stuff I grabbed has arrived. I not only grabbed a ton of the bitz and pieces I needed to complete at least two of my Iron Warrior projects but I also dove head first into two new games.So what did I get?...
by Hulksmash | Jan 15, 2013
Well the codex is out. People are excited or pissed in varying degrees. We’ve got quite a few typos some people out there are trying to build armies around and some people lamenting Chaos Space Marines already. Oh what a time to be in love with 40k.When I first read...