Logan – Friend to the Little People

As most of you might have guessed I have a wee-bit of a crush on Logan. He’s just an all-star! That being said I recently went all in on a plastic daemon army that I’m going to be slowly painting up. But while I’m painting that up I have my Iron Warriors that I...

Necron Flyers – My Way

So I mentioned in my previous post how I would build a flyer army. This is what I’d honestly be looking at: Destroyer Lord – 145 Septiminal Weave 5 Warriors – 165 Nightscythe 5 Warriors – 165 Nightscythe 5 Warriors – 165 Nightscythe 5 Warriors – 165 Nightscythe 5...

Two Recent RTT’s – Super Brief Batreps

Well hello there everybody. I realize I’ve been gone for quite a bit but I should be mostly back now. A big part of it was that I hadn’t had time to play almost any 6th edition and to talk about it without some hands on experiences seemed silly to me. Since I’ve...

New Daemons – New/Changed Unit Discussion & 2k Army Lists

Well most of us have seen that there are new daemons headed our way in the next few weeks. What makes this awesome is that it’s for some new units and also for some of the most fiddly of the current range. What makes it even more awesome is that in addition to some...

Welcome to 6th: Daemons

This is the first in a series on armies and the changes 6th has brought to them. We’re starting with Daemons because I think they got an enormous boost in this edition and will be a ton of fun to play. We’ll start with Daemons issues in 5th edition:     -GK...