My First Game of 6th

Well I finally got a game in was quite fun even for a learning game. I played our local store owner when I got off early from work and we muddled out way through the rules pretty easily. My only sadness is that there were not vehicles or flyers since we're...

Traitor Guard w/Unearthly Allies 2k

I've been playing around with some ideas and this one struck me as fun. Should work pretty good against anything short of 6+ flyers but here is what I'm thinking: Traitor Guard (IG) HQ: Yarrick - 185 Troop: Veteran Squad w/2 Plasma, 1 Lascannon, Stealth, &...

Speeding Up Lookout Sir & Wound Allocation on Character units?

So I think a lot of people are misunderstanding how these mechanics work and are making this into a bigger issue than it actually is. Here is what I’m thinking as I’m pretty sure I understand the mechanics behind how Lookout Sir and wound allocation work. And from...

Nova and 6th Edition, I’m Totally Torn!

Oh I'm not torn on using 6th edition but on my army. As a fair few of you who read here have probably heard by now Nova is going to be the first national level GT event (i.e. over 100 players) to run 6th edition. Which is awesome! But since I’m playing in the...

So….How bout them Tyranids?

I’ve seen a ton of screaming around the internet about more “nerfing” by GW when it comes to Tyranids. Well I want to take a look at Tyranids myself to get a feel how one of my favorite armies (right beside orks) is actually going to perform in this new edition. Bear...