A New Beginning…

Hey guys and welcome to my new Blog, 24 Hour Gaming Geek.  This blog has been in planning for a while and I finally found some time this weekend (while recovering from a great Friday night!) to finally get it all put together.  So lets get too it, lots of...


Hey guys, how is it going?  I'm currently involved in a Summer/Fall Warmachine/Hordes Slow-Grow league and I thought I would share a photo I took last night of my currently full painted Menoth models. I am pretty happy with what I have gotten finished and while I...

Doomed to Fail?

Hey guys, been a while.  Well today I come to you with some sad news.  I have just posted my first two listings ever on ebay... sigh.  Times have been tough for me lately (still can't find a job) so I have had to resort to selling some of my collection...

Blood & Blades 2012-06-05 07:19:00

From http://listentomywords-mom.blogspot,comSo this post is a sort of it response to this post on Bell of Lost Souls:http://www.belloflostsouls.net/2012/06/price-of-wargaming-spring-2012.htmlIt is also that sort of post no gamer really wants to know, but I did it...