These are the voyages of the…

Hey guys, Huron here.  Wow it has been a while.  So things have been kind of rough in the unemployed world of me.  Almost moved to NJ for job (I didn't get it, but I was apartment hunting and making plans when they told me they decided not to hire me,...

Colossals… Uh Wa?!?!?

 Well so big news out of Templecon this past weekend, this summer Colossals will be released for Warmachine.  Now for those of your who love the Warmachine back story like I do, no these are not old Colossals from the past that have been refurbished and put...

Bah Bah Stormraven!

Hey Guys, Huron here again.  Well last month for a joint motivational thread on a forum I post on regularly, The Painted Dragon, I decided to paint a Blood Angels Stormraven that I had sitting around.  I started working on it and found it to be a total...

40k Hopefuls, #2

Hey guys, Huron here again.  Time to let you in on what the above minis is for in my second 40K Hopefuls of 2012 post.  Last November I posted a couple of WIP preview shots of this guy with a slightly different base, a Mk5 marine, and a finecast jump pack...

40K Hopefuls, #1

Hey guys, Huron here.  Well we are starting to get close to the end of the first month of 2012 and it is time for me to get to work on figuring our which 40k army will be my promised 2K army in 2012 from my new years goals post.  I have lots of armies to...