pIrusk Alt, Final

Hey guys, Huron here.  Well pIrusk is all finished though I might go in with some weathering powder in the future and hit up his base, boots, and the bottom edge of the camo green coat.Next up are the Great Bears of the Gallowswood.More to come!

pIrusk Alt, WIP

Hey guys, here are some pics of the model I have spent most of 2012 so far working on, pIrusk (plain Irusk, or v1 Irusk).  This model is an alt sculpt that was release back when the Mk2 Khador Army Book was released.  I have one of the original pIrusk models...

First Minis of 2012

Alright, so time to post the first minis of the new year.  Today I have some Sanguinary Guard for you, still WIP, but first the story of their inspiration.  Back in early December, as I mention in my last post, I played in and won a 40k tournament at my...

2011 recap, 2012 Goals

Hey guys, 2011 has gone and we are now firmly in 2012.  2011 was a pretty bad year for me health wise and this in turn effected my hobby greatly.  For starters, I only posted a grand total of 21 blog posts over all of 2011 which is way below half of any...

Upgrade Now Complete!

Well looks like I am all done upgrading the site, only took all night.  New Banner, new look, even a new Avatar.  Now where to begin?  Hmm...