Under Construction

Hey guys Huron here again.  I know I have been absent of late, between health issues, being laid off in October, and serious hit to the fail in my painting skills in November hobby has taken sort of a back seat to real life in the second half of 2011.  I...

And so it begins…

New month, new projects, awesome models...This is barely going to scratch the surface...  More to come.

Rust Tutorial

Greetings all.  So I put together a little tutorial on how I do rust for a forum I frequent regularly, The Painted Dragon and thought I should post it here as well. Enjoy!______________________Okay, about time I got that rust tutorial posted.  I may come...

Warmachine Update! Getting There…

Hey guys, I thought I should continue the flurry of activity on my blog this week by posting some updated pics of the Khador Models I posted last Friday.  Tonight the Nova Open begins, well for me it is really just going to be a few hours of dropping in to say...

WIP Purifiers

And the final shot of this weeks army paint fail is of 5 Purifiers.  The actual army had 25 of them in the army and was lead by Castillian Crowe.  I have a really cool conversion for Crowe that uses a mix of FW and Plastic Parts from a number of different...