June Update!

Hey guys, how have you been?As you can see, I have been painting Chaos Warriors for Warhammer Fantasy Battles recently.  My LGS, Huzzah Hobbies, in Ashburn, VA started up a new summer WFB league and I decided to participate.  Above is my the first 1k of...


Hey guys, long time no see.  So not much has been happening with me recently, still just chained to the painting desk most days with the occasional break to play some games (recently of Warmachine and Bolt Action) and work my shifts at Huzzah.  I am up to...

What I Painted in Feb.

Hey guys, quick image dump post comprised of all the models I have painted in February (minus 21 Warlord Bolt Action WW2 US Marines I painted on commission that I do not have pictures of).My KhadorMercs (Khador Allies)Part 1 of current Skorne Commission (Table Top...

Wednesday Workbench

Sigh, what a difference a week can make.  Last week on Wednesday Workbench I talked about finishing up some Khador models I had kicking around mostly finished and then talked about starting into some models for my IK RPG game.  Oh how plans change.In the...

Wednesday Workbench

Hey guys and welcome to a new segment here on 24 Hour Gamer Geek, Wednesday Workbench.  I got the idea for this segment from my good friend Rushputin over at Warpstone Pile. Each week he posts pics of what he is working on, something I keep intending to...