And Hello to 2013!

HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!Welcome to the first post of 2013, here on 24 Hour Gamer Geek!  Yesterday I shared with you the results of the hobby goals I set for myself in 2012, and while I only really completed 2 of my goals last year, I think I can do better in...

Tuesday Time Capsule #4

Hey guys, HAPPY NEW YEAR!  Time for another Tuesday Time Capsule!My head is spinning and I have to work tonight so lets keep this short.  This week lets talk backpacks... Chaos backpacks.  While there are all sort of things in the Time Capsule case to...

Saying Goodbye to 2012.

Hey guys, welcome to my last post of 2012.  It has been a long year for me and while my RL has not been that great in the last 12 months, I have accomplished a lot of stuff hobby wise. At the beginning of the year I set myself 7 goals (some of them 2 parters)...

Intro to Dust Warfare! Part 1

Hey guys, I have a bit of news for you today.  Recently I was asked to start writing for a new blog on the What Would Patton Do? Network called Outpost Zero.  I will be doing a series of articles for them about a number of games including Dust Warfare, the...

Merry! Happy! Peace! Yatta!

Merry Christmas! Happy Holidays! Peace on Earth! Yatta Yatta!Have a good day, eat good food, enjoy yourself, and may you spend it in the company of those you love!