by HuronBH | Dec 31, 2012
Hey guys, welcome to my last post of 2012. It has been a long year for me and while my RL has not been that great in the last 12 months, I have accomplished a lot of stuff hobby wise. At the beginning of the year I set myself 7 goals (some of them 2 parters)...
by HuronBH | Dec 28, 2012
Hey guys, I have a bit of news for you today. Recently I was asked to start writing for a new blog on the What Would Patton Do? Network called Outpost Zero. I will be doing a series of articles for them about a number of games including Dust Warfare, the...
by HuronBH | Dec 25, 2012
Merry Christmas! Happy Holidays! Peace on Earth! Yatta Yatta!Have a good day, eat good food, enjoy yourself, and may you spend it in the company of those you love!