by HuronBH | Dec 25, 2012
Hey guys, Huron here... Welcome to another Tuesday Time Caspule post!This week I will be talking about a game near and dear to many of our hearts and which you can still find played occasional even though GW no longer supports it. I am sure you have guessed it...
by HuronBH | Dec 18, 2012
Hey guys, Huron here again. Time for another Tuesday Time Capsule!This week I thought I would share some Old School Chaos vehicles I found kicking around the Time Capsule case. Starting off we have some Old School Rhinos all jazzed up and the turret from a...
by HuronBH | Dec 11, 2012
Hey, Huron here bringing you a taste of my mini gaming past!For the first Tuesday Time Capsule I thought I should share with you the most startling discovery I made when opening up the Time Capsule case. I have long believed that my first Historical Mini Gaming...
by HuronBH | Nov 30, 2012
Hey guys, Huron here again with another post in what has become Nurgle Week! So one of the big things I wanted to share was what plans I have for my Death Guard project. Right now I am sort of in the "wouldn't this be cool" phase and haven't really settled...