Blog Swap Time!

As they say, sharing is caring.So I think it's time for another one of our little Blog Swaps!The idea is simple. You add ToaTS to your blogroll, I add your blog to this one!Everyone gets out there more and everyone wins!All you need to do it add ToaTS to your...

Ask Anything!

Hey there folks,I am without computer access for a while so can't write up any news posts, but I can reply to comments on mobile.So, why not have a little fun with that?Ask me anything you like!Could be about rules, games, characters, hobby or even who would win in a...

Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters?

Following on from my Avengers Mansion, I thought that Arkham would also make a decent Xavier's School for Gifted Younsters. Using the same parts of Arkham, I have set them out in a wider layout to give the impression of a large school instead of a single...

Avengers Mansion board

Any long term readers of this blog will know that often I like to grab a load of terrain and see what new boards I can come up with.As I have the KM Arkham Asylum but I am now in love with the new Marvel game (that I have wanted for years), I thought it would be good...