Marvel Avengers Starter Review

As you may know, as well as writing here on ToaTS and a couple of other places, I also write on the Wayland Games blog.My latest post over there is a review of the new Avengers starter for the Marvel Universe Miniature Game.Check it out HERE and let me know...

Animated Green Arrow Teaser!

Yesterday, Knight Models posted a new preview on their Facebook Page.An Animated Green Arrow Leader armed with a boxing glove arrow! The Batman game is getting a lot more green and pointy.I finally have rules for my Green Arrow boxing glove conversion.What...

Avengers vs Guardians IN SPAAAAAAACE!!!!!!

I landed a new Bespin game mat for X-Wing the other day and it instantly gave me an idea.In the comics, the Avengers, Guardians and others are often seen floating around in space. Could I pull this off for a game board?I grabbed my trusty Gale Force 9 Badlands rocks,...

Marvel Mini Games FAQ 1.1 is up!

The Official Marvel Mini Games FAQ 1.1 is now up!You can find it HERE and in top bar of this page ^.Working with Knight Models, we have cleared up as many situations as possible with this update.Hope you enjoy it!- Hendybadger