The Batmobile Roars into Gotham!

Knight Models have posted more news about the upcoming Flash / Arrow expansion for the Batman Miniature Game.This time it's VEHICLE RULES!You will finally be able to roar across the tabletop in the Batmobile!It looks like the SWAT van and more will be usable as...

Suicide Squad, Birds of Prey and YOUR CHOICE!

Knight Models have let out some more info on the upcoming Flash / Arrow expansion for the Batman Miniature Game.It will have rules for using themed teams like the Suicide Squad, Birds of Prey, Teen Titans and Secret Six.With a new Deadshot and Captain Boomerang in the...

Wooosh! Pew Pew! Gaming Quinjet!

In my hunt for goodies to add to my Marvel Mini Game tables, I came across a Hasbro Quinjet from Avengers Assemble.Some were crazy money but I found one cheap on eBay and it arrived this weekend.I think it looked quite good on the table but maybe a little big?I know,...

The Speed Force is Coming!

This has just appeared on the Knight Models Facebook Page..The Speed Force is coming to the Batman Miniature Games.While I expected the Flash / Arrow expansion to be just TV characters, this new pic looks like they will be going for comics as well.First ones...