2016 Batman Tournament Cards Appearing

Over the last few days, the 2016 set of Batman tournament cards have started to appear.You can see the first ones on http://elsobacodebatman.blogspot.com.es/ and http://labibliotecadealfred.blogspot.com.es/.We have Zur-En-Arrh Batman, Borj the plant,...

Happy New Year + Happy Spider-Fans!

Hey folks!Welcome to 2016 on ToaTS!Lots to come this year. Especially for you DC and Marvel fans out there. ;)While I will be covering the usual type of posts, I'd also love to know what you want to see in the comments below.The gaming year started awesomely (is that...

Spider-Man – Who works with who?

As my Batman- Who works with who? post has been one of the most viewed articles on here weekly since it went up, I'm guessing a similar post on the Spiderman Minis Game would be just as helpful.I plan to keep this as a living post, updated with all new...