by Ian 'Hendybadger' Henderson | Dec 4, 2015
Knight Models have posted up their new releases for December for the Batman Miniatures Game.The Arkham Knight love continues but we also get some comic characters and THE ANIMATED SERIES!First up is the man himself, Batman.The models looks like he has jumped...
by Ian 'Hendybadger' Henderson | Dec 3, 2015
Issue 3 of the fantastic Tabletop Gaming Magazine is out today and it contains a report on the UK Batman Day tournament by yours truly. Well worth a read if I do say so myself.Check out the mag at your local newsagents or direct from TGM themselves. They even do...
by Ian 'Hendybadger' Henderson | Dec 1, 2015
Knight Models has officially announced their first Sons of Batman volunteers.Players around the world that can help with giving demos, running events and more.You can find the list of these awesome Sons HERE on the BMG Forums.(That first one looks helpful)-...
by Ian 'Hendybadger' Henderson | Nov 30, 2015 do you think?- Hendybadger
by Ian 'Hendybadger' Henderson | Nov 28, 2015
Hey folks, it's finally here!The Little Heroes for Little Heroes charity auctions. All proceeds will be going to the Down Syndrome AssociationIf you want to know about why we set this up (he's called Nathan) you can see the original post HERE.On to the important...