Holiday Time

Hey there folks,It's August and it has crept around again really quickly.As many people and some gaming companies do, it's time for me to have a break for a while.This time of year is manic in my 'real life' job and I am also working on 2 big gaming projects behind...

The Black Flash Winner is………..

....... a day late.Sorry. It's been a very long week.The giveaway post had loads of great ideas and I just couldn't pick one so ended up going for a random draw.The winner is.... Compel"White Canary - as in CW's Sara Lance.Broadly similar to Katana crossed with Arkham...

Win a Ltd Ed Black Flash!

The time stream has gone screwy. A Speedster is respnsible. The Black Flash want's his life force!This model was given away along side pre-orders of the Flash and Arrow expansion for the Batman Miniature game.You can't get hold of them any more and they wont be...

What’s Happening?

Hey there folks!I know the blog has been quiet for a week or more so I thought I would quickly let you know whats going on.First of all, it has been our local carnival week so my 'real life' job has been crazy.Plus a lot of hours have needed covering.In the world of...