Thinking about Inquisitorial Allies

So, while I am planning to start my Craftworld Eldar gradually over the next few months, I have another project that is a little cheaper to work on that I can start right now. As I mentioned in my Eldar Corsairs Megapost, I am planning to give Inquisitorial allies to...

Ideas for Daemon Princes and a Keeper of Secrets

It's a banner month for me in terms of planning out purchases. I've mapped out a future Eldar army I'll be doing some work on (My 2 Warlocks are converted to ride jetbikes, but the greenstuff work isn't done, I'll be working on my paint scheme on them soon), and made...

Planning a new eldar army

Lately I've been thinking about what xenos army to do next. Originally I was thinking of building an Eldar force to run with my Dark Angels, but since I am building them as Angels of Vengeance, I'm shying away from that idea, both because the AoV are super anti-xenos,...

NOVA Open List: CSM with Daemons

Howdy all, Ian here, and still kicking around ideas for my final list for this year's NOVA Open. The tournament is 1850, and I really want it to be the coming out party for the CSM army I have been working with on and off for the last 5 or 6 years. Originally just a...

Random Hobby Updates!

Well, life has still been busy, so I've failed to get a game in in the last few months. This is frustrating, but I've taken the time to make some progress on hobby projects. Below are some updates: Using a bits bag find (I think its a Cold One), I built this Slaaneshi...