Thinking Ahead: Hobby Roadmap

Ok, so I haven’t posted in awhile, been busy with some dietary changes and some extra workout routines, haven’t had time for 40k. But, I’ve been following the blogosphere and thinking about the next year of 40k purchases. I’m beginning to get a roadmap of the...

Path of the Tyrant Pt 3: Legion Tactics

When I set out to build my Astral Claws, one of the most compelling aspects of the chapter's story was their arc, starting as crusading chapter with a standard codex organization, their assignment as one of the Maelstrom Wardens chapters, transition to a primarily...

Army Lists: Death Guard ‘No Spam’ – 2,000 points

Recently Mark has been doing a whole series of lists that were "no spam," meaning he would take a relatively mixed set of units, taking advantage of the less used units in a codex. This inspired me to make a go of it, so I threw together a list for my Death Guard,...

Red Corsairs Hobby Progress

The arrival of my Heldrakes was a joyous occasion, but a camping trip delayed me starting work on the little buggers. I finally came to a decision about how I would build them, and went with one posed in the manor depicted on the box, and one reposed to resemble a...

Secret Weapon Miniatures’ new wargaming board

Well, no sense standing on ceremony, watch this: So I've seen a few blogs mention the Kickstarter that Secret Weapon Miniatures recently launched, Tablescapes. For these not in the know, SWM is releasing a series of 1'x1' tiles, modeled to some extent with existing...