Thinking about 3rd party products

Ok, I've been all over the map with my articles lately, so expect some more repeats soon, I'm working on one about the Astral Claws chapter organisation now, along with a post of some of my own personal army fluff. Expect another article about my Death Guard too,...

Hobby Malaise: How’re my Armies Doing?

So, I'm feeling kind of low about 40k. Part of it is that Death From the Skies feels like a slap in the face to all of us who shop at and support local game stores. Part of it is that I just finished school and have plowed all of that excess time and energy into 40k,...

Project Log: Scratchbuilt Titan 3

So, how's my big bad titan doing? Not too shabby if I say so myself. I've gotten about as far as I can go without some more plasticard rods to build the pistons for the legs, and 1" PVC pipe to connect the legs and arms. Oh and I'm still searching for a decent barrel,...

Tournament List for this weekend

I'm going to a 1500 point tournament with my Astral Claws this Saturday, and I've been toying with a few lists. In my opinion 1500 is not the best points level, as there's enough points for frustrating rock/paper/scissor builds to get rolling but not enough points for...

Mantic goes Death Guard

So I was snooping around an online store looking at parts for my Death Guard army, specifically zombies.  What I noticed was, under Mantic there is a new product that looks, well, familiar. In fact, I was basically planning to replicate the zombie/corporation...