Project Log: Scratchbuilt Titan 2

Enginseer Ian reporting in again from Forge World Baltimore, sporting fresh pictures from the manufacture of my custom plasticard titan. I can proudly say that the body itself is coming along well. I have fully assembled the cockpit and gotten most of the main body...

Path of the Tyrant Pt 2: Remembrance

Before I delved into modeling my Astral Claws, I first needed to get grips on the story of my army. I knew going in that Lugft Huron was the Chapter Master of the Astral Claws, and that the Astral Claws had been the catalyst for a major conflict between the...

Project Log: Scratchbuilt Titan 1

I like working with my hands, its one of my favourite things about 40k. I get to be nerdy while also having something "unplugged" I can work on. As a hobby veteran (I think I can call myself that at this point, I have enough armies under my belt). There is only one...

Ian’s Death Guard Hobby Update

Over the few months since the CSM book dropped, I have been doing a lot of work on various units, from independent characters, to building custom mutilators, to starting work on 2 spawn made from greenstuff/bits. This progress has been slow due to grad school eating...

Path of the Tyrant Pt 1, Inspiration

Maybe it's just me, but when I see the Tyrant's logo, I want to smash xenos scum. Last year, I had a moment of inspiration. I decided that I needed to either build a pre-heresy army, a new CSM force to use as my undivided army, or an additional powered armor army in...