New Forge World Bundles

Today fans of Forge World got an expected but up till now not-rumored gift, some new Forge World bundles! For those of you building lists with a lot of Missile Launchers, we now have a bundle that matches the great autocannon set released last year. For those running...

Death Guard Heavy Support Pt 2

For the other articles in this series, check the following links:  Death Guard HQ's Pt 1 Death Guard HQ's Pt 2  Death Guard HQ's Pt 3  Death Guard Elites Death Guard Troops Death Guard Fast Attack Death Guard Heavy Support Pt. 1 So, the final portion of...

Painting Death Guard: Iconography

Now that I'm through reviewing the codex from a Death Guard perspective, I'm going to start going into the process of developing your list. We will talk fluff and background and actual list building in the near future, but with this post I wanted to start my mental...

Death Guard Heavy Support Pt 1

For the other articles in this series, check the following links:  Death Guard HQ's Pt 1 Death Guard HQ's Pt 2  Death Guard HQ's Pt 3  Death Guard Elites Death Guard Troops Death Guard Fast Attack Death Guard Heavy Support Pt. 2 On to the final force...

Ian: Planning for the New Year!

Howdy everybody, Ian here, looking forward to a new year filled with gaming and modeling. In 2012, I seriously got back into 40k (I had been working on my collection since the launch of 5th edition, but never learned the 5th ed rules, so didn't play after everyone...