Project Gotham… Part 2

Project Gotham… Part 2

The second and probably final post for a while of a few of the inhabitants of Gotham City that I picked up recently.The models in the pictures are Batman, Joker and some of his henchmen. All were enjoyable models to paint but, with a massive backlog of 40k stuff to...
Project Gotham… Part 1

Project Gotham… Part 1

As a side project to painting my mountain of 40k models, I have started on the Batman models from Knight Models which is largely based around the Batman Arkham Asylum/City computer games.Awesome, simple little models and quite a change from power armour. A change is...


No need for many words for this post, I have finished Fulgrim, Primarch of the Emperor's Children.Just a few pictures below to look through if you want!Thanks for visiting the blog and I hope you enjoy the photos.
Fulgrim… Work in Progress

Fulgrim… Work in Progress

The update for today is the slight progress I have been making on the model for Fulgrim, the Primarch of the Emperor's Children.A fantastic model with plenty of detail, I am really enjoying working on him. I think I am about 40% through painting Fulgrim himself so...
The Grandfather of 40k Cosmetic Surgery… Fabius Bile

The Grandfather of 40k Cosmetic Surgery… Fabius Bile

Starting to make some progress again on painting the huge pile of unpainted models I have lying around. First up is Fabius Bile, the best known apothecary of the 40k universe.I've never used him in a game of 40k, yet, but the model itself was pretty straightforward to...