Keeper of Secrets Progress

Keeper of Secrets Progress

The updates on the blog have pretty much disappeared through August, so I am going to make every effort of the next couple of months to keep the updates flowing, starting with this quick update on the Keeper of Secrets I was starting to put together.Following some...
The Dark Knight and Friends

The Dark Knight and Friends

Every once in a while I fancy a change from painting Space Marines. Sometimes it takes the form of another 40k army (Daemons/Dark Eldar) and sometimes it falls to another gaming system (Hordes - Trollbloods). This time it has fallen to another gaming system to provide...


Having recently been given the Forgeworld sculpt of Fulgrim as a present (thanks again Ian), I have cleared everything from my schedule to begin working on him.As you may have noticed, there hasn't been an update on the blog for a while. This is mainly down to it...

Build-Your-Own Chaos Daemons

Monstrous creatures need to huge, terrifying and, well, monstrous. With that particular design brief in my mind I set out to create something so horrendous it could only have come from the Warp. This my friends, is the beginning of my vision for what a Keeper of...

WIP Chaos Lord… A Little Bit More

Just a quick update today on the Chaos Lord in terminator armour that I started a few weeks back.I have added in a greenstuff cloak and mounted him on his base.The front spike on his right hand side is also incredibly fragile, so unless someone has a suggestion on how...