Winner of a Lictor 2013… Again!

We've waited a month and now it is time to reveal who is (hopefully) going to be receiving this painted model of a Tyranid Lictor.First of all I would like to explain how the draw was made. To start with I assigned everyone a number (1-16) so, theoretically, for all...

Custom Built Maulerfiend Complete

You have all seen and heard about the flying hell chicken of Chaos. Now I give you all the tentacled murderous crab-turtle of Chaos - my own version of the Maulerfiend made from the bits from a few kits that I had lying around.Looking forward to giving him a run out...

Custom Building a Maulerfiend Part 2

Today I want to show you all the little bit more progress I have made on creating a Maulerfiend from the leftover bits I have from the Forgefiend box and a Defiler body I recently acquired.Form the last post on this Daemon engine, found here, I have now added the...

Lictor Competition

This is a final reminder now for the chance to have this Lictor find its way to your home and make residence in your model collection.All you have to do is drop a comment on any of the posts relating to the Lictor and then, within the next week or so, keep an eye out...

Custom Building a Maulerfiend WIP

I began working on a custom made Maulerfiend last night, using the main body of a Defiler along with the remnants of the Maulerfied/Forgefiend kit that was left over when I built the Forge-type a few months ago.After cleaning all the various parts I took out my Dremel...