Roll Up, Roll Up! Win a Lictor!

Another reminder folks to get your comments in to stand a chance of winning this Tyranid Lictor.As for an end date for this competition, I am thinking somewhere near the start of July, so make sure you get at least one comment in before then so you have a chance of...

The Phoenician Incoming

As most of you have probably seen by now, Fulgrim is the next character from the Horus Heresy series to be released by Forge World.He follows on from Angron, Primarch of the World Eaters, in the Primarchs to be released from the series and is one of the two Primarchs...

Unboxing Random Supplies from Ebay

I found a big lot on Ebay the other day. It was listed as various bits of Chaos Space Marines but was largely unspecific and the pictures weren't 100% clear on what was in there.So, what is any one with an addiction to the little plastic models going to do? Ignore it?...

Wolf Guard Armoury… And Fashion Show!

Here we have the complete armoury for my four magnetised Wolf Guard Terminators. 38 weapons in total, made up of 37 arms and 1 cyclone missile launcher.Thankfully they didn't take me anywhere near as long as I thought they were going to, otherwise I may have only done...

Win a Lictor Competition

A very quick reminder for all you folks out there who really want to own a Lictor - just leave a comment on this post or the original and the bug is all yours.Look at him on the left there, so cuddly, so huggable, enjoys nothing more than munching on Imperial...