Completed Trollbloods Army… For Now!

There is something very cool about seeing armies completely painted. Finally I now have one such army, albeit quite a small force. My Trollbloods are finished, I have no other models for them floating around wanting to be painted, for the time being!28 models make up...

Abaddon the Despoiler… Complete

I'm starting to get on to a bit of a roll now, and here is another model complete, the Warmaster of Chaos Abaddon.Relatively straightforward model to paint due to the fact he is mainly just black or bronze/gold, but it was enjoyable to finally paint a model I have had...

Dire Troll Mauler… Complete

Here we are, complete. I have finished off the last remaining model I had to do for my Trollbloods army, and here he is for you all to see!This Dire Troll Mauler model is all metal, similar to most of the Privateer Press models, so weighs a fair bit.I am loving...

On the Painting Table… April

Already half way through the month, I will have my work cut out to make much progress on the models I have waiting for some paint, but we all love a trier don't we?So here is a quick look at what I am hoping to get done or, at the very least, get started on.The Dire...

Chaos Space Marine Obliterators… Complete

Boy has it felt like an age since I last posted anything up on the blog. I've missed it in a strange way. Anyway, the lack of new content also coincided with me taking a short hiatus from painting anything at all, but now my real life commitments are done with, here...