Trollbloods Dire Troll Bomber

Here we are in a new year and here is the last model I started before the turn of the year, finished off today.Another model I really enjoyed painting, just had to keep going back and adding bits in, and he only took a few days to complete! Normally on the bigger...

Final Call for Winner of the Lictor 2012

This is one last call for Jacob Dillon to step forward and claim his prize of this Tyranid Lictor. Just drop me an email at and the Lictor will be on its way to you.Alternatively, if you don't want it just let me know via the comments...

Chaos Warpsmith Complete

Happy new year to you all, hope you all had a great time doing whatever you did!My first post of 2013 is actually the last model I finished off in 2012 - the Chaos Space Marines Warpsmith.I really like this model and wanted to keep him relatively simplistic with just...

Current State of the Horde… Trollbloods

As I have done with my 40k armies, here is a group shot of the Trolls I have got fully painted so far. I only started these guys in 2012 and so far I am pretty happy with how they are turning out.The few units I have that need to get painted next year to complete the...

Current State of the Army… Space Wolves

As I have done with both my Chaos Space Marines and Dark Eldar, here is a look at what I have in fully painted Space Wolves.Easily the largest army I have (probably totalling 5,000pts +), I only have a few models left to paint to completely finish the Wolves. Models...