Dark Angels Chaplain-Interrogator Seraphicus

Finished this guy on Christmas Eve and have only just got around to posting up the pictures I took of the model of Seraphicus, the Dark Angels Chaplain-Interrogator from the Dark Vengeance box set.A cracking model to paint, although not as much detail on there as on...

Winner of a Lictor 2012

The only downside to this competition is that there can only be one winner and one winner alone. Much like the gaming side of 40k, the winner would need a good bit of luck to be drawn out of the hat as the victor.Aided by my beautiful wife (in lieu of a gorgeous...

Final Chance to Enter and Win a Tyranid

The final 24 hrs now for the chance to win the Tyranid Lictor I painted for the blog a few weeks back!You can see the original post here, which shows you what you could win if you follow the blog and leave a comment on any of the competition posts I have put up over...

WIP Chaplain-Interrogator Seraphicus

Just a quick update on the progress I have made on my current project, Chaplain-Interrogator Seraphicus of the Dark Angels. All areas on the model have been base coated and now it is time to add in all the details.The aim is to finish him off before Christmas in a...

Current State of the Army… Dark Eldar

Carrying on with my series of looking at what models I have completed for each of my armies, be that Chaos, Space Wolves or Dark Eldar, here we stand looking at the models I have completed for the Dark Eldar.This army is going to have a strong Haemonculus feel to it...