Start Your Own Tyranid Army…

We are now entering the festive period here in the UK and what better way to begin the celebrations than giving everyone reading this blog the chance to win the Tyranid Lictor model I have recently finished painting.Have you ever wanted to start a Tyranid army but...

Nearing the End… Tyranid Lictor

Very nearly finished the work on the Tyranid Lictor I am currently working on and thought I would pop up a quick post as I am unsure over a couple of things and was hoping someone, somewhere would have an idea for me!Firstly the monsters eyes - currently a deep...

Hiding in the Bushes…

Just a quick post to show the progress I have made with painting up the one and only Tyranid model I own - the Lictor.As I have no intentions of starting a Tyranid force I am only painting this guy up for fun. In fact, he's been in a draw for the last year!Once it's...

Astorath the Grim – Redeemer of the Lost

As any regular visitors will have noticed, I have currently done a series of posts on how I paint various aspects of my models, including faces, scrollwork, jump pack flames and power weapons and that it was from the same model that each of these were taken - Astorath...

How I Paint my Power Weapons

Today I am going to run through how I paint my power weapons.Paints we will need are:Night Blue (VGC), Magic Blue (VGC), Nuln Oil (GW), Ice Blue (GW) and Skull White (GW).Fairly straightforward process, so lets have a look at how. Make sure the blade area of the...