Necrons for the Win! Judgement Day!

Nick speaking,So judgement day is nearly here! All I have left to do are the bases on this set of Necrons. I have had a lot of fun painting these and have tried to make them fit in with my 'old school' looking army as best as I can. I painted the Lychguard to match in...

Back to Basics #27 Freehand

Nick speaking,In this series of videos for beginners, I go back to basics and run over all that I have learnt about this wonderful hobby of ours. In this episode we look at how to paint Freehand!Previous Posts:Back to Basics #1 The SprueBack to Basics...

Necron Maelstrom Mission (WH40K 1750pts BatRep)

Nick speaking,In this game we try out a Maelstrom mission in 8th edition for the first time. My Necrons haven't lost in 8th yet, but this turned out to be the closest game we have had so far! Will the Necrons win again though?

Necrons for the Win! Painting White!

Nick speaking,Ok so continuing on with painting my tray of Necrons and now I have completed the white and have started on the extra detailing, still plenty to do, but really getting there now...

Back to Basics # 26 Decals

Nick speaking,In this series of videos for beginners, I go back to basics and run over all that I have learnt about this wonderful hobby of ours. In this episode we look at how to apply Decals!Previous Posts:Back to Basics #1 The SprueBack to Basics #2 Mould...