Living Tomb Formation – Showcase

Nick speaking,Here we go, I have finally finished painting up my Living Tomb Formation. The Obelisk is totally magnetised to be a Tesseract Vault, so I have painted all the extras as well, including the Transcendent C'tan. Very happy to have these finished and I can't...

Living Tomb Formation – C’tan and Base Started

Nick speaking,I know the Transcendent C'tan isn't actually part of the formation, but as my Obelisk is magnetised into the Vault, I want to paint the C'tan up at the same time, plus I think I am probably going to feature him in my Living Tomb list somehow anyway! It...

Flayed One Final List for first game with BlackToad Studio

Nick speaking,One of the things I love about my Blog and YouTube Channel is the ability to find other fellow gamers and hobbyists that I would never have found without the internet. The greatest thing though, is when you have a chance to actually play a game of 40k...

Living Tomb Formation – Nearly Done

Nick speaking,So after finishing the green in the last post, I went back to the metal work and lined in all the recesses with a black wash. Some of the bigger areas were just painted black, along with the Monolith guns. The guns are highlighted, but it is quite...