by IDICBeer | May 8, 2016
Nick speaking,Once again the standard for this years Terrain Square Competition was incredibly high, and with the added twist of the terrain pieces not being on a base with straight edges and corners made for some very inspirational pieces. This of course made my job...
by IDICBeer | May 5, 2016
Nick speaking,Continuing on with the Dark Eldar project of making a five hundred point army for £25.00 and I have now spent my last £11.01. My plan was always to get myself a couple of Raiders for the army, but with my small budget that proved to...
by IDICBeer | May 2, 2016
Nick speaking,Time to find out how well my 13th Company Unleashed Detachment list did in this game against my buddies Blood Angels. I may not have had the best list in the world, but it was totally awesome to see my army on the table after all my hard work painting...
by IDICBeer | Apr 30, 2016
Nick speaking,Continuing on with the Dark Eldar project of making a five hundred point army for £25.00! My next task was building the twenty Wyches I got from a very generous friend of mine on YouTube, WarGames. I had a lot of fun making these and...
by IDICBeer | Apr 27, 2016
Nick speaking,Back to getting the Wolves on the table, and after painting my two Rune Priests and third unit of Grey Hunters at the end of last year. I have now come up with a fifteen hundred point list for the painted models that I have so far...Of course, this army...