The Year of the Wolf (21)

Nick speaking,Back to painting my first unit of Long Fangs for my 13th Company Space Wolves army. So far I have base coated pretty much everything and I am ready for the washes. I am really enjoying these guys and only painting a small unit of five makes a nice change...

IDICBeer and IDICBeerJr Join Forces – Our 2k List revealed!

Nick speaking,Yes that's right, my son and I are no longer going to battle it out against each other. We are going to join forces to take on the guys from Table Top Banter, Callum and Harry. I have already played Callum, and we had a lot of fun, so I can only imagine...

The Webways are Opening! #3 kabalite Warriors!

Nick speaking,Continuing on with the Dark Eldar project of making a five hundred point army for £25.00! So, after my three Venom conversions, my next task was to get the Warriors and Wyches together with all the correct gun options, some of which I got...

The Year of the Wolf (20)

Nick speaking,I have to admit, I am really tempted to paint up my old Wulven models next in my task to get my 13th Company army painted, but I really need some Heavy Support in the army, so it's going to be Long Fangs next, starting with my Lascannon Squad. More to...