Necron Stonehenge Terrain Showcase

Nick speaking,Here is my finished terrain piece that I made running along side my Terrain Square 'Circle' Competition for 2016. I am really happy with my piece, but of course I cannot win my own competition, so more to come on the winning pieces soon!

Eldar Saim Hann Vs Space Marines (1850pt WH40K BatRep)

Nick speaking,Here is my first game with my revamped Saim Hann list to include my newly painted War Walkers. I am using a new support system for the camera in this battle report so I hope you can see the difference. I still have good movement with it, but it should...

The Webways are Opening! #2 Venoms and Archon

Nick speaking,Time to get back to the Dark Eldar project, make a five hundred point army for twenty £25.00! So far I have spent £3.99 and got myself some Dark Eldar bitz to do some conversions on three old Vypers I had in my bitz box. I think they came out really well...

Eldar Saim Hann List with my new War Walkers

Nick speaking,Here is my updated Saim Hann list with my newly painted War Walkers in it. I haven't had the new Eldar Codex that long, and so far I have only been playing an adapted list from the old Codex, so fitting them into my Saim Hann themed list was quite easy....

Star Trek Attack Wing Resistance Was Futile!

Nick speaking,I have been really enjoying the Star Trek Attack Wing I purchased from WarGames just before Christmas. I have been playing it with my buddies and son who have also had a lot of fun with it, so much so, that my buddy went out and bought his own starter...