Magnetised Monolith Built for Living Tomb Formation

Nick speaking,Next for me to build so that I can play the Living Tomb Formation was a second Monolith. I can't wait to get it painting and see the Formation on the battlefield, I think it's going to be a lot of fun! Of course, I had the usually jiggery pokery when...

Custom Space Wolves Thunderwolf Sculpt

Nick speaking,Just look at this amazing custom scratch built Thunderwolf I have for my army. I got this from Igot skills, and wow, he is amazing. It's going to look fantastic as a centre piece model in my 13th Company Space Wolves army, once I get it painted. The man...

Eldar War Walkers Showcase

Nick speaking,Finally finished the War Walkers, it did take me quite some time, but I think that was mainly due to me painting every weapon option they can take. Still, the magnetised weapons will make them very future proof, which is great. Let me know what you think...

How to Magnetise a Necron Obelisk/Tesseract Vault

Nick speaking,You will find the full instructions on how I magnetised my Necron Tesseract Vault/Obelisk, in a video tutorial I made at the bottom of this post, but as pictures speak a thousand words, here are pictures of all the magnetised areas, so that you can have...