Awaken Realms ‘Floating Crystals’ Objective Marker Reveiw

Nick speaking,Hi all, I just wanted to do a quick shout to this awesome Kickstarter by Awaken Realms, where I got these fantastic Floating Crystal Objective Markers from. I have a full video review at the bottom of this post for you to check out, but I seriously...

The Webways are Opening! #1

Nick speaking,Yes, that's right, the Webways are opening to let in a new army for IDICBeer, the Dark Eldar! Actually, this is part of a challenge that I am taking part in by Table Top Banter, to make a five hundred point army for just £25.00!With the large model count...

Eldar War Walkers #3

Nick speaking,More work on the War Walkers done, that's the Lich Purple and Black layers complete, I took my time once again making sure I didn't get any paint on the white sections. Next, to wash and highlight the the purple and lay down all the gem stones...

Terrain Square ‘Circle’ Competition – Info

Nick speaking,Here are all the details of the terrain making competition I am doing on my YouTube Channel. I hope to see a few of you joining in and having some fun making terrain. Who knows, you could even win some prizes!Please also check out our sponsors facebook...