by IDICBeer | Oct 6, 2015
Nick speaking,OK, proud dad moment! Here are a few pictures of my twelve year old sons new Dark Angels army from a recent game we had. I think he did a fantastic job on them and I can see how well his painting has improved over the last few years compared to his...
by IDICBeer | Oct 3, 2015
Nick speaking,Showcase of my converted and magnetised Eldar Flyer. Here are pictures of both flyer variants, I really hope you like them....Crimson Hunter:Hemlock Wraithfighter:
by IDICBeer | Sep 30, 2015
Nick speaking,Following on from my previous post about my 2500 point game with my buddy Aceface. It turned out that he did indeed bring his very powerful Tau army to face off with me. I of course had my Endless Swarm ready to go. One hundred and fifty one bugs, with...
by IDICBeer | Sep 27, 2015
Nick speaking,That's all the painting done on the Flyer. I just need to varnish it, glue on the canopy and put it together on it's base to take some decent pictures. Show case coming soon...
by IDICBeer | Sep 24, 2015
Nick speaking,I am sure you may remember me posting about The 3k Game I had with my buddy Aceface. It was an epic game with my Necrons taking on his Hive Fleet. We rolled the Relic, which I grabbed with my Wraiths turn one and held on for dear life until the game...