by IDICBeer | Sep 21, 2015
Nick speaking,More work on the Flyer done, that's the purple all highlighted up, now for the gemstones and all the white underneath it!More to come soon!
by IDICBeer | Sep 18, 2015
Nick speaking,The next unit to be painted in my 13th Company Space Wolves army, also needed a few extra conversions from what I did when I built them, ten years ago. This unit started life off as Storm Claws (Blood Claws) in the Eye of Terror Codex, but I am now...
by IDICBeer | Sep 15, 2015
Nick speaking,Here is the result of my first game with my new fun Nidzilla army. Not the most efficent list as I am just using the minis I have, but it was a lot of fun on the table. I will let you watch the report to see how it went!
by IDICBeer | Sep 12, 2015
Nick speaking,Painting finally begins on my Eldar Flyer. So far I have base coated the black and Hormagaunt Purple areas, gone over the purple base with Lich Purple and then washed it with Druchii Violet. So far, so good. Now it's time to do the hard work and get the...
by IDICBeer | Sep 9, 2015
Nick speaking,I am always thinking about new fun lists to play and surprise my opponents with, so here we go with a Nidzilla themed list. It all came about when I got thinking about my three Mawloc models, they are all magnetised, but so far I have only ever used them...