Commissar Warwick Challenge Game

Nick speaking,I am very pleased to say that I have managed to arrange a 40k challenge game with Commissar Warwick, in his 'Challenge The Commissar' series of battle reports over on his YouTube Channel. Warwick is an awesome guy and has some great content on his...

Genestealers Vs Marines! (1k Battle Report)

Nick speaking,It's fair to say that I haven't had a lot of time to play 40k over the last few weeks. Mainly due to my gaming buddies being a bit tied up with the summer holidays and good weather. I have however managed to arrange a Challenge game with one of my...

The Year of the Wolf (9)

Nick speaking,Right, next up for the Space Wolves is my 13th Company converted Wolf Lord. I am pretty proud of this conversion which I did over ten years ago, as it was my first ever big conversion and green stuff work. I started with Ragnar Blackmain and changed his...

Necron Deathmarks Showcase

Nick speaking,Finished painting my green rod Deathmark conversions. Really happy how they look, I think they will match in with the rest of my 'old skool' looking army very nicely indeed. 

The Year of the Wolf (8) Showcase

Nick speaking,Here is my second finished unit of 13th company Grey Hunters. I had a lot of fun painting these guys up. This army is taking longer than I thought it would with all the free hand and glazing, but as I am trying to paint them to the highest standard I...