How to Paint Pink

Nick speaking,I recently had a few requests for a tutorial on how I paint my Emperors Children pink on my 13th Company Space Wolves. So as requested here is a little video of me showing how I go about it. I hope it's useful to someone...

Judge Dredd Desperado Showcase

Nick speaking,I had fun painting this Cursed Earth Desperado Judge Dredd mini. I think I will use him as a Chaos Cultist. He seems to fit in quite well as one and I don't play Judge Dredd anyway. I really enjoyed painting him and adding the tattoo to the mini. I hope...

Making Up Your Own Terrain Rules!

Nick speaking,My Necron Power Station Generators are made from four Incredible toys that I got from McDonald's about ten years ago! My original plan for them, before I put them onto this piece of terrain, was to use them individually on the table with some special...

Painting Something Different – Judge Dredd!

Nick speaking,Don't worry, I am not dropping 40k or considering another gaming system! I am just having a bit of fun painting up a single Judge Dredd mini for a painting competition. I had a good look around, and not wanting to spend to much managed to find a Cursed...