The Kazon Kabal go to War!

Nick speaking,Time to get my new Dark Eldar Army on the table, two five hundred point games just to see some of the units in action. I had a lot of fun and even against Blood Angels it was nice being the underdog for a change! I hope you enjoy the battle reports, more...

Armies on Parade 2016 Board Ideas

Nick speaking,Time to actually start work on my Armies on Parade board! I know it's been a fair while since I posted about entering my Space Wolves into this years competition, but to be honest, most of that wait was finding an appropriate board to use. Luckily, my...

The Year of the Wolf (26)

Nick speaking,Time to get back to the Wolves and the second unit of Long Fangs I previously posted about. I have made a great start on them since finishing the Dark Eldar, and so far I have done all the base coats and washes ready for highlighting. As always I am...

The Year of the Wolf (26)

Nick speaking,Time to get back to the Wolves and the second unit of Long Fangs I previously posted about. I have made a great start on them since finishing the Dark Eldar, and so far I have done all the base coats and washes ready for highlighting. As always I am...

Star Wars Themed Warhammer 40K Battle Report

Nick speaking,So after five games with my Necrons at my recent tournament, it was time to get my Eldar out for a special game against my buddies Star Wars themed Imperial Guard army. You can see his army in more detail on his YouTube Channel if your interested, but...