Star Wars Themed Warhammer 40K Battle Report

Nick speaking,So after five games with my Necrons at my recent tournament, it was time to get my Eldar out for a special game against my buddies Star Wars themed Imperial Guard army. You can see his army in more detail on his YouTube Channel if your interested, but...

My First 40K Tournament – Day Two Report!

Nick speaking,Right, day two of my first ever tournament. and with a decent start and lots of fun on the first day, I was looking to win at least one of the two games on day two, but could I do it?A reminder of my list...Flayed Cron Decurion Detachment...

My First 40K Tournament – Day One Report!

Nick speaking,OK, so my first ever tournament that I was previously preparing for came upon me recently. I have been in the hobby for a good number of years, so my first ever tournament experience was always going to be fun. As I had so much to talk about, I have...

The Kazon Kabal (Dark Eldar Army Showcase)

Nick speaking,I am very proud to introduce you to The Kazon Kabal, all painted in thirty one days and cobbled together for a mere £50 thanks to some great eBay purchases and to some very generous members of the community. I am really happy with the army, but let me...

The Webways are Open! Dark Eldar Army Finished

Nick speaking,Welcome back to the final part of my Challenge to paint just over two thousand points of Dark Eldar in a month without an airbrush! It took a lot of planning and an awful lot of painting, but the challenge is now complete, and I finally have a fully...