Hindsight Is always 2022 – a Year in Review

 Welcome, welcome, one and all, to see the rare. the bizarre, the unsettling. It is said that once, this creature would be seen often, making bestial noises on virtual street corners, attacking random competitive players. But in modern times, few indeed can claim...

3D Printing for Fun and Profit

 Insert randomized greeting.A little under three years ago, I went and bought a 3D printer. It's a Sparkmaker FHD (so named because it's screen is fairly good, and its adapter sparked out on the second use), and it's a fairly decent little machine. It has a...

On Activation Order and Random Chance

 Howdy y'all. Step right up, pull the string in my back, and watch me go "There's an inherent flaw in Age of Sigmar!". I'm nothing if not predictable.I think I might have a full post about Age of Sigmar in me, but it is not this one. That post risks...

A Year in Review – A Pile of Miniatures

This would be the second instalment in my 2016 year-in-review. The first one was about games played. This one is about miniatures painted.Strap in.I set myself a goal early in 2016. That goal was to get enough miniatures painted to average three a week. For those...