The Importance of Fluff – Analyzing

I said I was going to make another post about Fluff. You have only yourselves to blame if you didn't believe me.Today is about analyzing the Fluff.When looking at Fluff with the intent of classifying it, we can use any number of criteria. Seeing as I wrote my Master...

Warhammer 40k: The Necron Project – First Tentative Steps

So, I'm starting Necrons.Why, you may wonder. And rightly so. The whys and wherefores are what drive human exploration.And my reasons can be easily summarized as follows: We're running a 40k campaign (as in, someone's running it, and I get to play games) and I wanted...

General Ramblings: The Importance of Fluff

*Incarias doing the welcome-boogie*Yes, I know it's a disturbing thought. Live with it.Today is about fluff.No, not that kind. As well you know.Now, when I say fluff, I mean background story stuff. Back in the days of yore, when I first entered the online gaming...