A Year in Review – A Cavalcade of Games

2016 is coming to an end. I can't say I'm sad o see it go; it's been a real something of a year.With the end in sight, I figured I'd try to sum up what I've done, hobby-wise. Not least because I've actually been taking notes for the entire year. It's going to have to...

On Guild Ball and the Death of the Tape Measure

Let's see if I still have an editorial-style post in me, shall we?Mount up, buckle you seat belts, and keep your arms and legs inside the ride at all times. The pilot hasn't done this (without being angry) for a long time, and we might experience some turbulence.Barf...

I’m Bad at This (and a Bunch of Guild Ball Models)

I've had a bit of games lately.I've played a bunch of the Pathfinder card game. Five scenarios, to be a bit precise.I've played Eldritch Horror. Just the one.And I've played four games of Guild Ball.All in the last three weeks.I have, however, also managed to paint...

Frostgrave and the Shortcomings of the D20

I was about to write that I've had a slow week, but that would be a lie.On the one hand, I've got work done on four separate systems - though I haven't got many finished models to show for it, having focussed on preparatory stuff - and on the other, I've played both...