by Incarias | Jul 5, 2015
It's been a while since I managed to get myself riled up enough about hobby things to actually make a post here. Now, however, that has changed.In short, I am a giant squid of anger.I got started in the hobby the same way many of us did: through Warhammer Fantasy....
by Incarias | Jul 18, 2014
This has been sitting, half finished, in my Posts for a couple of months now. I figured it's time to do something about that.The guys down at the club are (or were, see above) getting tired of my complaints about the terrain rules for M2E (Malifaux 2nd Edition, for...
by Incarias | Jan 12, 2014
And I'm back, and if you all gather 'round, I'll regale you with tales of horrible games design.Wait, what's that? M2E is better than most other games?Well, I'll still whine.If you didn't read this and aren't overly familiar with M2E, go read that post. I'll...
by Incarias | Sep 29, 2013
So, if you hadn't noticed, there's been an edition change in Malifaux. M2E (Malifaux 2nd Edition) was up for a public beta in June and July, pre-released at GenCon (with the very nice addition that those of us not attending that event could still get it from the web...
by Incarias | Aug 26, 2013
This is a response to an argument originally posted here, and then repeated on BoLS.I'll do this in bits. Without pictures, 'cause I can't be bothered.First, though, here's the most relevant part from the area terrain rules (p. 91 of the BBB):"Models in area...