General Ramblings: Pre-measuring

There's been a recent shift in philosophy within the games I play.This shift replaces an old paradigm, and has been called pre-measuring.I generally list five games when I recount my vast experience in the field of miniature-based gaming: Warhammer, Warhammer 40k,...

Hobby: Nuggets of Wisdom part 2

Part 2. Part 1 is here.I'll get right to it.Oh, and this one ended up being a lot about dipping. You've been warned.QuickshadeIt goes by many names, the dreaded 'dip'. I use Army Painter's Quickshade.Here's the thing though: I don't use it for the shading. If there...

Hobby: Nuggets of Wisdom

I've had a crazy idea.Since I am not working during the summer (I'm a teacher), I'll have time to post here more regularly.Yeah, that cannot in any foreseeable way go wrong.Not often I have an opportunity to quote the Bible... Might be the whole atheist thing.So, I'll...

General Ramblings: The Limits of My Attention Span

How many games can one person play?It's a question that has been bugging me from the backseat of my mind for a while. Is there in fact an upper limit to how many separate games a single person can play before the total enjoyment starts dipping?I'm going to be starting...

The Flaws of Fantasy

Warhammer Fantasy has seen a bit of a surge at the club lately. Setting up the large regiments, herding the monsters, putting tinder to black powder, it is all the rage since a few weeks. With teh second edition of Malifaux, however... who knows?The older of the...