Malicious Malifaux

This is the second part of the post The Merits of Malifaux. THat one was about the good. This one is about the bad.Malifaux has me gripped firmly by the... neck. It's a lovely game, with absolutely stunning minis. But there's a flipside to every coin.RulesYes, the...

The Merits of Malifaux

Tada!Out of nowhere, he appears, the great and mysterious Incarias!Watch as he pulls yet another opinion-laden post of of his... thin air!These are some of the merits of Malifaux.The ModelsThere is one, and only one, real reason to start Malifaux. The models are...

WarmaHordes – Rating a fictional model: pBasher

This is the companion post to that piece I just did on ratng Casters. Here I'll give the promsied example based on a fictitious Warcaster named pBasher.Overview. pBasher is one of those Casters that do one thing really well. in his case, this is beating face. He comes...

WarmaHordes – rating Casters

I've been thinking a lot about WarmaHordes lately. More specifically, I've been thinking a lot about how to grade models (and then primarily Warcasters and Warlocks) on a power level scale.The thing that makes this a truly daunting prospect is the problem with looking...

General Ramblings: Painting as a Control Measure

Yes, I'm still here. Sorry to disappoint...Today is about obsessive collecting, and how I pace myself. Somewhat. Some of the time.Not me. But the caption said 'Obsessive Toy Collector', which seemed appropriate...So, there are all sorts of ways to label a hobbyist:...