General Ramblings: Why Do I Care?

Just a bit of fair warning: this is one of my Wall O'Text posts. I can't be bothered with finding actual relevant pictures, and won't settle for less for this one.You've been warned.I did a post a few days back about offending people.It's kinda crap, really. I made...

Big Issues: Offending People

I'm not sure if you're one of those people who follow the gaming blogosphere. I'm not sure you regularly read the stuff published over at the House of Paincakes. But considering the fact that you are reading this, I find it likely.And if you are, you'll be aware of...

6th and Looking out for Number One: Tyranids

And here we go.Yes, 6th edition 40k is out, and right about now, a whole bunch of hobbyists are trying to figure out what it'll mean for them. Me among the, surprise, surprise.First things first. This is not a strategy post. This is not an attempt to find the 'core'...

General Ramblings: Letting Things Slide

I've been playing a lot of Warmachine/Hordes lately. In the last week or so, I've got in seven games with my newly acquired Retribution army.The point I'll wander from today, however, is more related to the fact that this increased playing on my part, has coincided...

General Ramblings: Swamped

I haven't posted for a while, now.Why?A lot of little reasons, actually. Real Life has been a real bitch lately, for one.But mostly? I've been getting stuff done. Hobby stuff.First and foremost, my Empire army is now one Knight away from being entirely finished for...